My S.T.E.M. Adventure

Client: Bridge Multimedia, STEMIE

“¡Vȧmanos! Let’s go on a STEM Adventure!” STEMIE – STEM Innovation for Inclusion in Early Education – aims to enhance engagement opportunities for 0-5-year-old children with disabilities in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). To develop a new learning trajectory, STEMIE partnered with FableVision and Bridge Multimedia, a company dedicated to furthering accessibility, for a born-accessible app that promotes STEM learning skills as players engage with science around them. 

Hosted and narrated by the young and enthusiastic Leila Diaz, My S.T.E.M. Adventure guides children and their parents through 10 place-based activities using the curriculum provided by STEMIE Center at UNC-Chapel Hill. The adventures focus on each child’s surroundings to emphasize that science and learning can happen anywhere. In each activity, after the learning skills are explained to caregivers, players are prompted to take photos and write descriptions of those items. At the end, the app combines the photos and text to create a customizable storybook of the players’ adventures. 

To ensure that children and parents have equal access and experiences with the app, FableVision baked accessibility into the design process. Players can adjust captions, sound, visuals, among other accessibility features. The game offers eye-tracking playthrough, optimized voice-overs, and a screen-reader. My S.T.E.M. Adventure is available in both English and Spanish and can be played or downloaded as a progressive web app here, on iOS, and on Google Play.

A Peek Inside

Product: Progressive web app, iOS app, Google Play app

Age Range: 0-5 year-olds and their parents

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