Make That Paper: Careers in Forestry

Client: Georgia Public Broadcasting and the Georgia Forestry Foundation

To educate and expose Georgia high school students to forestry careers, FableVision teamed up with Georgia Public Broadcasting Education and Georgia Forestry Foundation to create Make That Paper! In this web game, students play three different professional roles in the forestry industry: a landowner, a harvest manager, or a mill manager. Players go through a series of simulated workplace management challenges and alternate between job interviews, written communication through emails, and on-the-job challenges. Each career section prompts students to make decisions to help solve issues that arise, and then see the positive outcomes or consequences of their selections. 

Make that Paper is fully responsive for web and mobile use. Scores are given in-game to assess forestry knowledge and career readiness. At the end of each track, players are presented with either a novice, amateur, or professional ranking. 

A Peek Inside


Product: online forestry game

Tech Specs: HTML5

Age Range: high school

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