“Animated Atmosphere” Weather Minigames

Client: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)

Learning about weather is way more fun when you can play games with Jeff the weather yeti, Yolanda the palm tree, and Snacks the dog. To accompany the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research’s (UCAR) Animated Atmosphere videos, produced by FableVision, the studio created six minigames to extend the animations’ learning goals and help children better grasp the weather concepts.

FableVision created two engines—a stamp game and a slider-based game—that are reused with different content and design throughout the minigames. In the stamp games, players add stamps and stickers, and in the slider games, players move a slider right and left. Each minigame introduces players to different weather themes, like how to dress appropriately for the weather, how rain forms, how to fight climate change, how to stay cool in the heat, how different weather looks like, and how hurricanes grow.

The games and FableVision-created animation videos are hosted on UCAR’S SkySci for Kids, a website with playful avenues for children to learn about weather, climate, and related science topics.
