Discover SCIENCE With Dr. Bear

Client: Children’s National Hospital

If it’s slimy and gross, kids will want to talk about it. To help bring preventative health activities to children and families, Children’s National Hospital (CNH) partnered with FableVision for English and Spanish animated shorts that supplement its Discover SCIENCE with Dr. Bear curriculum. Featuring best friends Drew and Nia, two tweens who met at CNH, the videos aim to destigmatize topics on how bodies work by focusing on blood, germs, mucus, digestion, sleep, and stress.

Using colorful animations, relatable characters, anthropomorphized organs, and a hint of silliness, FableVision produced six 3-4 minute animations to connect with children outside of the classroom, including kids who stay at hospitals for an extended period.

Drew, who lives in the city, loves to cook, babysit his brother, and bounce ideas off his pet opossum, Tater, frequently FaceTimes with his friend Nia, who lives in the suburbs, loves to play soccer, ride her skateboard, and hang out with her pet turtle, Shelly. In each video, the characters take turns in the role of being more knowledgeable on a specific science topic.

The videos are available on YouTube, CNH’s website, and in other settings where the Discover SCIENCE with Dr. Bear curriculum is distributed.

A Peek Inside

Product: Six 3-4-minute animations

Age Range: Grades 3-6

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