
With COVID-19 vaccine misinformation and vaccination hesitancy on the rise, educating ourselves remains a priority. By combating false information and taking the time to learn about COVID-19 and other health topics, we can improve the health of us, our family, and our friends. 


To bring humor and movement to complex scientific concepts, FableVision and the AIDS Education Training Center (AETC) partnered together to create an animated series based on the NoiseFilter Podcast and Live Show, featuring infectious disease specialist Dr. MarkAlain Dery and community health expert Dr. Eric Griggs (Doc Griggs). The podcast aims to distill COVID-19 information, debunk misinformation, and correct health literacy.

To extend NoiseFilter beyond a podcast, FableVision created a video series with animated versions of Dr. Dery and Doc Griggs as they digest complicated scientific concepts into bite-size chunks. By using humor, storytelling, and punk rock spike proteins, they provide an easy way for the general public to dispel myths and understand COVID-19 and mRNA vaccines. As Dr. Dery and Doc Griggs’ personalities, dynamic, and humor come to life, FableVision artists use fun visuals, whimsy, and fairy tale analogies to help the doctor duo captivate audiences and explain medical concepts in an easy-to-understand way. 

“Dr. Dery and Doc Griggs have an amazing wealth of pop culture knowledge and a super-cartoony sensibility, which makes the brainstorming sessions ridiculously fun,” says Leigh Hallisey, FableVision’s Creative Director and Head Writer. “They aren’t afraid to push the boundaries with trippy visuals and humor, as long as the science is accurate and engaging for our audience. You’d be hard pressed to find anything else like it in the world of health PSAs, and that makes us really proud.” 

As a studio committed to telling “stories that matter, stories that move,” FableVision is proud to team up with AETC and NoiseFilter to produce a series that aims to reduce health disparities and achieve health equity through creative educational methods. Read on for more information.

A Look Inside

Episode 1: Valiant Vaccine Versus the Vicious Virus
Animated versions of Dr. Dery and Doc Griggs provide a simple way for healthcare workers and the public to discuss COVID-19. With fast-paced cartoons, engaging punk rock music, and superhero antibodies, the pair details how COVID-19 makes people sick, how mRNA works, and how mRNA vaccines fight Coronavirus.

Episode 2: The Big Bad Variant and the Three Little Griggs
The second video uses a Three Little Pigs analogy and more humor to demonstrate how the mRNA vaccine fights COVID-19 variants. By comparing the human body to the three pigs’ houses and COVID-19 to the wolf, the animation delves deeper into how COVID-19 mutates and how the mRNA booster shot helps the body update its security system to fight the mutating virus.

Established in 1987, AETC aims to improve the quality of life of persons with or at-risk of HIV through high-quality professional education and training.

To stay informed about COVID-19 and to follow Dr. Dery and Doc Griggs’ journey of promoting health initiatives, watch the first two episodes on AETC’s YouTube Channel, the NoiseFilter website, and other platforms. Stay tuned for more episodes to come.
