The Fable Family, Left to right, top row first and interns in bold: Michael, Uncle Will, “Hu”rch, MoniCat, Thursday, MortElva, PugSarah, GrandHannah, Cousin Doi

The Fable Family, Left to right, top row first and interns in bold: Michael, Uncle Will, “Hu”rch, MoniCat, Thursday, MortElva, PugSarah, GrandHannah, Cousin Doi

As Halloween approaches, murmurs fill the air about the eccentric intern family in their macabre mansion on the hill (i.e. the table in the corner of the office). These are no ordinary interns. With roots in drawing, experience in the live-action film, and recent expansion into animation, they’re brewing a unique independent intern project before you can snap twice.

What secrets is this mysterious intern family hiding? Enter if you dare...


Doi Park

  • Hometown: Los Angeles, California

  • School & Major(s): Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt) - Animation

  • Position: Art Intern

What brought you to FableVision Studios?
During my first year at MassArt (and first year in Boston in general), I looked around to see what the animation scene here was like and stumbled upon FableVision. I watched a ton of animation on the site and fell in love with what they were doing, so I sent in an application!

By Halloween, you'll have been at FableVision for almost two months. Tell us about a moment at the office that came as a 'treat' to you!
The biggest treat has been talking with the other interns and seeing what projects they’re working on, both in and out of the studio!

What fang-tastic skills do you want to work on during your FableVision internship this semester?
I’m excited about the intern project—it’ll give me the opportunity to be less shy around others in a creative environment! 

Each Addams family character is odd in their own way. What fun weirdness do you bring to the table?
I can do a Donald Duck impression, but ONLY when he’s screaming, and no dialogue…yet.

It’s an average “Wednesday” -- what are you working on?
Well, I have class from 8 a.m. to 6:15 p.m., but afterward, I’ll doodle on my iPad until the inevitable “You’ve-Got-Something-Due-Tomorrow” feeling settles in at midnight.


More about Doi!

  • Things you want to add to the wall of inspiration?

    If I had to narrow it down to just 3 things, it’d be: frames from the Phantom Tollbooth animated film, the hands from Iron Giant, and a collage of my favorite Japanese animation art books!

  • Best Halloween candy? Twix.

  • Best costume idea you’ve had?

    I dressed up as Wirt from last year but asked a policeman to take a photo with me, so I became Wirt…on the run.

  • Cartoon/video game you still love from your childhood: Whatever Happened to...Robot Jones?

  • Favorite horror movie? Hereditary (2018).

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Elva Si

  • Hometown: Nanjing, China

  • School & Major(s): Tufts University - Psychology, Child Studies & Human Development, minor in Entrepreneurial Leadership Studies

  • Position: Marketing Intern

What brought you to FableVision Studios? 
Before the start of this semester, my Tufts major advisor Julie Dobrow (a good friend of FableVision’s!) connected me with Sarah Ditkoff, FableVision’s communications director, for the marketing intern position. I am excited to find a team of passionate people who care about telling authentic stories and producing meaningful children’s media. Here we go, FableVisionaries!

By Halloween, you'll have been at FableVision for almost two months. Tell us about a moment at the office that came as a 'treat' to you!
FableVision satisfies my curiosity about educational media. I am grateful that I get to write blogs and tweets for individual studio projects, including game-based learning and assessments, animation, and short films to promote attitudes and knowledge on mental health, environment protection, and more. 

FableVision also provides me with treats outside of all these great projects! The team invites me to join weekly staff and production intern meetings and supports all the interns in making our own independent project. That’s to say, I am able to not only improve my marketing skills, but also experience a real studio workflow.

What fang-tastic skills do you want to work on during your FableVision internship this semester?
While many of my former marketing experiences were based in Chinese companies, FableVision gives me a fantastic opportunity to compare platform selection, writing styles, and marketing tactics under two different cultural contexts. I am sure FableVision will be a great practice field for my writing skills, as well as organization and planning skills. Shout out to Sarah and Monica for helping me polish my language and extending my knowledge of content marketing!

Each Addams family character is odd in their own way. What fun weirdness do you bring to the table?
I am a super dreamer. I dream a lot and can recall around 80% of my dreams when I wake up.

It’s an average “Wednesday” -- what are you working on?
On a regular Wednesday, I have to get up at 7 a.m. to catch the T to work. This Wednesday, I am: 1) drafting a blog for an about-to-launch game; 2) brainstorming more blog ideas; 3) finishing up these questions for this blog. It’s cool to be one of the first players of a new game and to be able to come up with creative ideas for new content at the studio.

More about Elva!

  • Things you want to add to the wall of inspiration? Pickle Rick!

  • Best Halloween candy? Gummy bears!

  • Best costume you’ve worn?

    My best costume would be Hanfu, a traditional dress of Chinese Han people. My friends think that I look like Mulan when I wear Hanfu, what do you think?

  • Cartoon/video game you still love from your childhood: SpongeBob and all of the Disney princess films!

  • Favorite horror movie? No...I can’t watch horror movies.


Joyce Hu

  • Hometown: Jacksonville, Florida

  • School & Major(s): Boston University - Graphic Design, minor in Computer Science

  • Position: Art Intern

What brought you to FableVision Studios?
My friend told me about this internship, and after looking into the studio online, I knew that I wanted to work here! I was so surprised to see that they made the Zoombinis remake, a game I loved in my childhood.

By Halloween, you'll have been at FableVision for almost two months. Tell us about a moment at the office that came as a 'treat' to you!
A fun moment for me was from the first day of my internship. Right when I first walked in, I ran into the other art intern, Doi, who was starting on the same day as me. I saw a Fire Force charm on her backpack and immediately, I could tell that she was going to be a fun co-intern. It was crazy how many common interests we had!

What fang-tastic skills do you want to work on during your FableVision internship this semester?
I'm finally taking the time to dive into animation and learn the process of it overall! If I have time, I would also love to get a basic rundown of unity or character design.


Each Addams family character is odd in their own way. What fun weirdness do you bring to the table?
I'm a huge fan of animation and manga, and am always willing to give recommendations if prompted! I also almost always have a fruit and nuts Nature Valley granola bar in the mornings for breakfast. I'm also usually very bad at controlling my own volume, but I always end up whispering when I'm working at the studio!

It’s an average “Wednesday” -- what are you working on?
If I'm at the studio, I'll be working on an animation workshop exercise or working on the ~secret~ internship project. On my days outside the studio, I'll be chugging away at graphic design and computer science assignments for my classes.

More about Joyce!

  • Things you want to add to the wall of inspiration? A copy of an I Spy book.

  • Best Halloween candy? Kit Kats.

  • Best costume idea you’ve had?

    Pretending I dressed up as something by just wearing all black -- the cheapest and easiest thing to do :^)

  • Cartoon/video game you still love from your childhood: Xiaolin Showdown.

  • Favorite horror movie? Coraline (I'm too much of a baby to watch actual horror movies).

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Kristen Schretter

  • Hometown: Ridgewood, NJ

  • School & Major(s): Tufts University - Physics, Film and Media Studies, Music Sound and Culture (yes all three are majors)

  • Position: Marketing Intern

What brought you to FableVision Studios? 
I love animated media and am interested in working in children’s television, so interning at FableVision seemed like the perfect opportunity! I thought I’d missed the application deadline for fall, but when Professor Julie Dobrow at Tufts let me know that Sarah was still looking for marketing interns, I emailed her right away, and am really happy to be here.

By Halloween, you'll have been at FableVision for almost two months. Tell us about a moment at the office that came as a 'treat' to you!
Assisting in a college visit was a really enriching experience. Not only did I get to learn more about FableVision events and how we market ourselves to students, but I also got to participate in the visit myself, learning from Hannah’s excellent animation demonstration of Paper Girls! I’ve also enjoyed brainstorming with the other interns on the intern project.

What fang-tastic skills do you want to work on during your FableVision internship this semester?
Writing, writing, writing! It’s something I’m passionate about but haven’t had the opportunity to actively improve through feedback in ages. The tips for clear, concise writing I’m receiving from Monica and Sarah are invaluable. I also hope to gain a better understanding of the production and art sides of the studio. as well as the marketing one. I find everything FableVision does fascinating.

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Each Addams family character is odd in their own way. What fun weirdness do you bring to the table?
I tap dance! I could do that on a long as it’s a sturdy one.

It’s an average “Wednesday” -- what are you working on?
Unfortunately Wednesday is my off day at the studio, but there’s still a lot going on! In the morning, I usually wake up, think about jogging, and then fall back asleep. After finally getting out of bed, I have a meeting for STOMP, a Tufts program through which I teach elementary schoolers engineering lessons. I then have a lot of vending machine coffee and classes. When I get back in the evening, I play random stuff on the piano to come up with ideas for my music thesis!

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More about Kristen!

  • Things you want to add to the wall of inspiration? The How To Train Your Dragon concept art.

  • Best Halloween candy? 3 Musketeers.

  • Best costume you’ve worn?

    Last year, I was Schrodinger’s cat, which I loved in theory. In practice, though, I looked like a cat with a black eye.

  • Cartoon/video game you still love from your childhood:

    Scooby Doo! (I would say Avatar the Last Airbender, but I watched that at age 17 so that’s not exactly my childhood).

  • Favorite horror movie? Alien or Silence of the Lambs.


Will Nichols

  • Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

  • School & Major(s): Emerson College - Media Arts Production

  • Position: Production Intern

What brought you to FableVision Studios? 
I have been really passionate about children’s media throughout my time in college, so when I started looking for internships, I found FableVision and immediately fell in love with the studio’s projects. I thought it would be a perfect fit!

By Halloween, you'll have been at FableVision for almost two months. Tell us about a moment at the office that came as a 'treat' to you!
I really enjoyed jumping into learning about the various projects that FableVision is working on and getting to be a part of them from the start. From the first day, I have absorbed so much from various meetings and tasks I have been given, and it has really allowed me to get comfortable in the studio quickly. 

What fang-tastic skills do you want to work on during your FableVision internship this semester?
I am interested in and have already learned a ton about the production process of games, which has been really great. I am also interested in learning more about production management and how to effectively produce multiple projects at the same time. 

Each Addams family character is odd in their own way. What fun weirdness do you bring to the table?
In my free time, I really like coming up with new recipes that haven’t been thought of yet and doing lots of experiments to make them work. I am the proud creator of the Graham Cracker Bagel and a few other recipes that I have found successful.

It’s an average “Wednesday” -- what are you working on?
I spend a lot of my time at FableVision working with the studio’s producers and production assistants on various animation and game projects currently in production. Depending on the week, I could work on or attend meetings for two or three different projects throughout the day, which really helps me to get exposure to all the different types of projects the studio produces. There are also weekly production intern meetings on Wednesdays, where we learn about how certain studio departments operate from different members of FableVision.

More about Will!

  • Things you want to add to the wall of inspiration? My favorite book, The 21 Balloons!

  • Best Halloween candy? Jolly Ranchers.

  • Best costume idea you’ve had? The Teen Titans Robin costume my 6 year old self wore.

  • Cartoon/video game you still love from your childhood: Recess.

  • Favorite horror movie? Halloween!
