Children of the Flame

Client: iThrive Games, SEED Institute

The SEED Institute is staffed by young people who create games that tell their stories and advocate for the social change they want to see. iThrive Games works closely with SEED Designers supporting them with mentorship and guidance that help them apply and translate their lived experiences into games that reflect the nuances of their lived experiences to stakeholders.

FableVision built a vertical slice prototype of the SEED Institute's virtual reality (VR) game titled "Children of the Flame." In the game, the player follows a group of students at a METCO program, bussed into suburban schools. Through their eyes, players see their stories, hear their memories, and witness first-hand how generational trauma and adverse adolescent experiences (ACEs) affect their lives. In this first vertical slice, the player enters Gerrod's bedroom and cleans it in a 10-15 minute game loop. Touching the items scattered around the room unlocks animated flashbacks and audio recordings explaining what the objects mean to him and parts of Gerrod's life story.

This game will be showcased within festivals to build awareness of the impact of adolescent childhood experiences (ACEs), the need for trauma-informed practices that reduce harm, and to fundraise for the full VR build. "Children of the Flame" is intended to be played by high schoolers, specifically underserved and underrepresented young adults and those who work and care about them. Social workers, teachers, caretakers, and counselors are encouraged to play and take a deeper look into these teenagers' lives. 

Click through the screenshots to view the prototype. 

A Peek Inside

Product: VR prototype

Tech Specs: Unity, CyArk

Age Range: 16+